"He deserves a torturous and slow death by spider bites. Well, for today we'll just have to throw spit balls at his neck in class." ~ Willow

"I wonder where I've seen this before? Where else? The place I spend most of my waking hours memorizing stuff off the sides of mausoleums. Big, freaky cereal boxes of death." ~ Buffy

"So I'm thinking, the whatever took a bunch of the guy's blood with him. And I haven't been a nerd for a very long time! Hello! Dating a guitarist. Or I was..."  ~ Willow

Anya: "What?"
Xander: "That's your scary costume?"
Anya: "Bunnies frighten me."

"Stupid is as stupid does" ~ Forest Gump

Buffy: "The scary house? Sounds kind of lame."
Oz: "It actually borders on fun."

Willow: "Back off, Harmony."
Harmony: "Okay, fine. Hide behind your boyfriend. But guess what? I have a boyfriend, too, and he's gonna be mad that you were mean to me."

"That's right! I'm back, and I'm a bloody animal! Yeah!"

Giles: "Feel up to some training?"
Buffy: "Sure. We can work out after school. You know, if you're not too busy having sex with my MOTHER.!!"

"No! No. We'll get a container of Ebola virus and . . . and . . . or, it doesn't even have to be real. We can get a box that says Ebola on it and . . . um . . . chase him!"
"With the box." ~ Cordelia

"Oh, man, it's Nazi Germany, and I've got 'playboys in my locker." ~ Xander

'I love when you talk, Wesley. I love when you sing, Wesley.' Can you say the words 'jail bait,' Wesley? Limey bastard." ~ Xander

"You took my life B. Paybacks a bitch!" ~ Faith

"I mean, you men! It's all about the sex. Find a woman, drag her to your den. do whatever's necessary, just as long as you get the sex. I tell you, men haven't changed since the dawn of time." ~ Willow

'Yeah soft like baby food, well why don't we give baby a taste. Baby like his super? Baby likes his super. Why don't baby take a nap!" ~ Spike

"'Frisky Watchers Chat Room.' Why, Giles!" ~ Xander

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