The premiere will be 2 hours long on October 2, 2001. On a NEW station in the USA: UPN! (Other countries, you should not be affected by this move. Check with your local Buffy providing station to verify that they'll continue to air it.) Same time slot, Tuesday nights at 8/7 Central, just change your channel to UPN!

Crossovers with
Angel will be incredibly unlikely to occur this season, but if they are necessary, they will happen...somehow.

There will be a special all musical/dance episode slated for November. This is
Joss's mind here.

Buffy is really dead, but she will be brought back. It may not be the exact same Buffy, but it will be Buffy. Sarah Michelle Gellar *will* return in her role as Buffy and will continue it for the next two seasons.

There will *not* be a new Slayer. It's not up for debate, it's not a matter of interpretation. Joss says no. When Faith dies, a new Slayer will be called, but Buffy's recent death will not call forth another Slayer.

Anthony Stewart Head is contracted as a recurring star for the 6th season. He is confirmed to appear in several episodes at the beginning of the season, but then is expected to leave to England so he can work on *another* Buffy spin-off, a mini-series tentatively called, "The Watcher". (This was arranged so that Tony could be with his family in England and still work with Joss.)

Episode 1 & 2

Ep: 1 & 2. Airdate: 10/2/01.

From everything I've been told so far, the two-hour premiere will consist of two separate episodes aired together like the show's initial premiere. The premiere episode on the NEW network will supposedly reintroduce the show to new fans and still continue the story for old fans. :)

A reconstructed Buffybot temporarily fills in for Buffy after her death. This ensures that Dawn doesn't get taken away and that the streets of Sunnydale are kept somewhat safe.

Willow, with the others close behind, does use magic at Buffy's grave site. It may have something to do with bringing Buffy back, it may be entirely responsible for bringing Buffy back or it may be a failed attempt. (I'm not saying which cause filming was kept completely private and even some of the script has been said to be deceiving as to what really happens. The magic does happen, but what it actually does, is not completely clear.)

Spike has not gone anywhere after the death of Buffy. In fact, his guilt about not protecting Dawn, keeps him as close to the Scooby Gang and especially Dawn as he can get.

A gang of vampires on motorcycles are the supposed main villains, at least for the premiere. The cocky group wreak havoc in Sunnydale, wounding the Buffybot and interrupting efforts to bring Buffy back.

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